
Designing a lead magnet

An effective lead magnet is one that converts.

One of the most important goals here is really to attract and catch more of the relevant kind of prospects on the net, rather than the ones who are not.

Some of the points to consider, in order to meet those goals, are:

  • Results—Captivate your prospects with a lead magnet promising to move the user closer to a desired result.
  • Specificity—Don’t be vague. Tell readers exactly what they’ll get. Be ultra-clear about the benefit of signing up to receive your free content.
  • Instant gratification—Everyone wants shortcuts—the fast track—lessons that can be immediately applied. An email course is an example of a lead magnet where the gratification comes slowly. If you choose to make an offer with a “drip” strategy (where your content is delivered gradually in a sequence), highlight the benefit of the first segment.
  • Authority—A lead magnet is often the entry point into your marketing funnel. Deliver content that demonstrates you’re an expert. Don’t be afraid to give away your top tips.
  • Value—Free or not, the content you create must be valuable. Aim to make it so unique and valuable people would pay for it if asked.
  • Balancing between freebie vs product – Your lead magnet is just the first step in a long journey. That gives you a Catch-22 because it means your lead magnet needs to grab attention and interest to get people to opt-in, but also link back to your primary product or service offerings to eventually convert them. Creating something that accomplishes both of those goals isn’t easy. And there are a few ways to trip up during this process. You need to trade a balance carefully.

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